This part of the investment process is often seen as the worst part by all investors. Gathering contract notes, statements and other documentation for the Accountant is very important but often time consuming and nearly always left to the last minute.
Available to our clients is a portfolio service delivering streamlined reporting and administration. The portfolio service provides you with control and oversight of your portfolio while reducing the administration burden that comes with investing. Some of the key aspects of this service include:
Central Mail House and Administration
We will act as your portfolio’s central mail house. All correspondence in relation to your portfolio is directed to our office where we process, record and manage all corporate actions and paperwork sent by fund managers and share registries including dividends, buybacks, takeovers, and share purchase plans.
Reporting/Online Access
24/7 online access enables you to keep abreast of your portfolio and actions undertaken. Our client only online resource hub is also a powerful source of information where you can access financial market news and retrieve financial documents.
Quarterly Reports
We provide you with quarterly reports which include:
Annual Tax Reports
Each year you will be provided with a consolidated tax report for each of your portfolios. All tax processing of dividends, corporate actions and cost base information will be completed, providing you with a single report to provide to your Accountant for end of year tax returns. If requested, we can automatically send a copy of your consolidated tax report to your Accountant on your behalf. In addition, your dedicated client service team can liaise directly with your Accountant to resolve queries or questions related to your portfolio.
You can contact us to arrange for the payment of regular or ad hoc accounts. This allows you to simply send invoices to us with instructions to pay and they will be processed on your behalf and accurately reported on within your portfolio reports.