October Monthly Musings

In this edition highlights include:

  • Our market movement overview,
  • the launch of Episode 3 of 3 Minute Tech which, like the previous 2 episodes, focuses on the very important topics of superannuation and estate planning. These short videos have been very well received.
  • Focal Point where we explore the legal documents which may allow effective decisions to be made with respect to health and medical treatment.
  • Our Entrust team feature, which this month features Senior Investment Adviser and Director, Duncan MacKintosh, and
  • a good book to read and podcast to listen to.

Advance Health Directives and Enduring Powers of Guardianship

Decisions are part of every day life. But what happens if we cannot make decisions for ourselves due to illness or accident? Although an Enduring Power of Attorney can be used to manage financial and property assets, this does not extend to health and medical treatment.
We explore additional documents which may allow effective decisions to be made while we are alive.