April Monthly Musings

Our April Monthly Musings covers off on the month’s market movements, we re-visit the 3 Minute Tech episode on “How to build your Super Nest Egg” in light of the fast approaching end of financial year, and in Focal Point we look at the topic of “Investing for Children (Minors)”. 

We hope you enjoy.

March Monthly Musings

Each month we provide a wrap up of the market performance and some informative insights on various wealth management issues.

We hope you enjoy.

Investing for Children (Minors)

Parents and grandparents commonly wish to invest for
their children or grandchildren while they are still minors.
However, minor children usually cannot buy shares
in their own name. Structuring such investments can
have access and tax consequences so determining the
ownership and investment setup is considered important
to the long-term success of the strategy.