Monthly Musings

In the May edition we will provide:

  • our update on the markets for May,
  • a new Episode 20 of 3 Minute Tech focussing on the very relevant “End of Financial Year Planning”, 
  • a paper in Focal Point which provides some considerations with respect to a Superannuation to-do list heading into June 30,
  • provide a short video insight into our experienced Private Wealth Adviser, Brad Gordon, and,
  • suggest an interesting book to read.

Episode 20: End of Financial Year Planning

End of Financial Year (EOFY)

The End of Financial Year (EOFY) is once again fast approaching. This means it is time to dust off the superannuation to-do list ahead of the 30th of June 2022. Given the inevitable June end rush, as well as processing and cut-off times, it is prudent to review actions in advance of deadlines. The following outlines some of the areas that may be applicable for consideration and review.